『Discouraged Workers』 is an independent kinetic novel created by YGGDRASIL STUDIO. The Episode is the fifth in the Project DW series, a satirical story based on the popular Korean soap operas-styled plot. It compares Ga-yeon’s bleak everyday life to the dark side of youth.
As a hospital coordinator, Ga-yeon fell in love with a doctor at the hospital she was working in and they had an affair even though the doctor was a married man. When the director found out, she was fired. For over a year she tried to find another job, but her mental uneasiness eventually made her give up and she became a recluse.
A year later, in the spring of 2013, her younger sister, Hye-na, and her first love Yunwoo come to her.
A story about the dark side of today’s youth and serious life events happening around Ga-yeon.
Discouraged Workers
+ This is a TEEN version of the Discouraged Workers, takes the form of kinetic novel(visual novel similar).
+ You will be moved on mostly through Ga-yeon’s point of view and the Archives will be also helpful for you to understand the whole play.
+ You don’t need to be directly involved in the story – just watch, read, listen, and feel it.
+ However sometimes, you may be required to do something to collect some records or scenes.
+ Discouraged Workers is played automatically. You can toggle this function.
+ A Korean-based densely-plotted story with the gloomy theme.
+ The short but intense 100+ minutes, with the real soap opera-like directing.
+ The animation-style hand-drawn sprites & CGs, and backgrounds based on retouched real pictures.
+ Archives contains 90 records(Characters and Concept, Diary, Gallery, Music, and Replay).